Court: Environment and Land Court at Busia
Category: Civil
Judge(s): A. K. Kaniaru, A. Omollo
Judgment Date: July 22, 2020
Country: Kenya
Document Type: PDF
Number of Pages: 3
Explore the George Opuko Omoriti v John Omoriti [2020] eKLR case summary, highlighting key legal findings and implications. Gain insights into this notable judgment's impact on case law.Case Brief: George Opuko Omoriti v John Omoriti [2020] eKLR1. Case Information: - Name of the Case: George Opuko Omoriti a.k.a Sewus Opuko Omoriti v. John Omoriti - Case Number: ELC CASE NO. 1 OF 2015 - Court: Environment and Land Court at Busia - Date Delivered: July 22, 2020 - Category of Law: Civil - Judge(s): A. K. Kaniaru, A. Omollo - Country: Kenya2. Questions Presented: The central legal issues in this case involve the interpretation of a prior judgment regarding land ownership and the validity of the plaintiff's request for a survey to allocate a specific portion of land. The court must determine whether the plaintiff is entitled to 6 acres of land as claimed, and if so, whether the orders sought can be granted in the absence of third-party purchasers.....................
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